Winter 2020 Death Valley Photo Workshop Recap #1

photographers on white salt flat and mountain backdrop

A big thank you to Bonnie, Suzanne, Michael, Rémy, and Dawn for joining me for the Death Valley Photo Workshop! It’s definitely one of my favorite locations to photography, and I hope you got some great images and tips to help you on your photo journey. Please take a moment and look through the images shared by your fellow attendees as well as some behind the scenes moments of you all. From the salt flats to the badlands to the dunes and back to the flats, we covered a lot of variety. Thanks for being a great group…until next time!


-Jim Patterson

Participants Gallery

Dawn Cerf

This was the first photography workshop I’ve attended, and it was gratifying in so many ways. Jim is an excellent and patient instructor, taking us to the best locations in Death Valley. There were tons of teaching moments that refined my sense of composition, helped with understanding filters, and especially answered those tough questions about night photography. My Milky Way photo shoot was my favorite despite the early rise. Overall, the variety of locations at Death Valley kept things interesting.

Best meal… definitely the barbecue stop at Tecopa | Best spot… for photos Dunes | Most interesting spot… Devil’s Golf Course and spot on west side of valley that had some golf course like structures on the way to our shoot. It was fun finding interesting structures that the land had managed to create. | Best new technique tried and plan to continue to play with… focus stacking (worked very well for the star photo)

Thanks for a great workshop!

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